GRCA. – Fotografie expo door Gerson Ntiti.

Gerson Ntiti:

“It’s been 7 years since I bought my camera. Never knew it would have this much impact. Never knew it would change my life. Never knew it would become a part of my identity. I am Gerson Ntiti & this is my very first solo-expo “GRCA._”. As I present my works from mid-pandemic till now, this is only the beginning of my actual journey. Long days, long nights, long drives, hours of concentration, months of self reflection, …
Any moment and/or meeting led to this moment.
And I’m glad I can share it with you.
Hope to see you there.”

9/12/2022: 18u00-22u00 (Vernissage)
Free drinks & Music!

10/12/2022: 11u00-18u00
11/12/2022: 11u00-18u00

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Grote dank aan Schouwburg Noord & de Stad Antwerpen.


dec 09 - 11 2022